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Promoting Sustainable International Economic Cooperation Promoting Sustainable International Economic Cooperation

Ethical Management

KEXIM’s ethical management goes beyond preventing corruption and graft by complying with related laws and regulations and ethical codes, and is rooted in its national?social responsibility as an official export credit agency. We established the ethical management system by undergoing a process of set up (‘06~’09), advancement (’10-’14) and internalization (‘15~present) and have been making the utmost effort to become a “clean bank” that can be trusted by our clients and Korean citizens.

In 2020, the Bank obtained ISO 37001 (anti-bribery management system) to build a systematic anti-corruption system that is in line with global standards and is pursuing the advancement of the ethical management system. With the aim of internalizing ethical management, the Bank develops the “Action Plans for Anti-Corruption and Integrity Policy” every year, and requests the executives to sign the Integrity Oath to create an ethical management environment. Also, the Bank is internalizing integrity by conducting integrity trainings for employees on an annual basis.

KEXIM’s Roadmap for Ethical Business Management


Set up (‘06-‘09)

  • Lay foundation for ethical management
  • Conduct basic ethical management education
  • Declare the Code of Ethics and sign the Statement of Ethical Business Practice
  • Improve systems to settle into an ethical organizational culture
  • Develop Ethical Management Plan

Advancement (‘10-‘14)

  • Upgrade the ethical management system
  • Develop manuals for detailed guidelines of the Statement of Ethical Business Practice
  • Strategic CSR activities
  • Establish a compliance organization
  • Strengthen PR/communication of ethical management

Internalization (‘15-present)

  • Strengthen training on internal control and compliance
  • Encourage whistleblowing
  • Strengthen the internal control function in the organization by appointing Compliance Officer
  • Improve loan practices and processes
  • Build leadership based on integrity

1Practicing Integrity

Integrity education for all employees

2Collaborative Integrity

Lay groundwork for cooperating with Korean citizens in tackling corruption

3Transparent Business Environment

Advance anti-corruption business system

4Clean Public Sector

Execute comprehensive plan to eliminate hierarchical abuse of power

Implement systematic ethical management and create an organizational culture of integrity


Established Compliance Department and appointed Compliance Officer

Integrity Assessment (IA) and Anti-Corruption Initiative Assessment(ACIA) : received the excellent ratings among the rated entities for three consecutive years (2019~2021)

The first Korean policy bank to obtain ISO 37001 (anti-bribery management system) in 2020

Conduct annual anti-corruption. Integrity education for all employees

Operate the integrity Ombudsman system

The first business day of each month is designated as ‘Day of Integrity’ to raise Bank-wide awareness