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Korea Exim News

Korea Eximbank and Korea Institute for National Unification Hold Conference on North Korea Development Cooperation

Date 2021.08.29 View 11805
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□ The Export-Import Bank of Korea (, Chairman Bang Moon-Kyu, "Korea Eximbank") announced on August 27 that it held an online conference titled "International Cooperation Plan for Development Cooperation in North Korea and the Role of the Inter-Korean Cooperation Fund (IKCF)" in collaboration with Korea Institute for National Unification (President Koh Yu-hwan, “KINU“) on the occasion of IKCF’s 30th anniversary.



ㅇ The conference, participated by the Minister of Unification Lee In-young, Korea Eximbank Chairman Bang Moon-kyu, and KINU President Koh Yu-hwan, was held online in accordance with the government's social distancing guidelines and broadcast live on YouTube.


□ The conference was arranged to examine the current status of the North Korean economy after sanctions against the North and COVID-19, discuss multilateral cooperation measures for North Korea's development in terms of technological cooperation and financing, and seek the role of IKCK in a changing environment.


□ In the opening remarks, Korea Eximbank Chairman Bang Moon-kyu said, “Due to the global health crisis caused by the spread of COVID-19, multilateral cooperation is becoming more important.“ He continued, "In our inter-Korean cooperation efforts, we should strive to support North Korea's expansion of development capabilities and find ways to embrace North Korea as a member of the international community."


□ Minister Lee In-young said in the congratulatory speech, "We hope that IKCF will serve as a facilitator of the 'Peace New Deal' for peace on the Korean Peninsula and economic cooperation between the two Koreas.“




□ The conference was held in two sessions.



□ In the first session, presided over by Lee Soo-hyung, a senior researcher at the Institute for National Security Strategy, Jeong Eun-yi, a researcher at KINU, presented on the ’direction of humanitarian support from IKCF through a multi-faceted review of North Korea's food shortages’. And Lee Jong-kyu, a senior researcher at KDI, analyzed ’changes in the pattern of North Korea's economic policy caused by worsening foreign trade’ based on empirical data.




□ In the second session, Yang Moon-soo, vice president of Graduate School of North Korea, mediated the event. Choi Chang-yong, a professor of the Graduate School of International Policy at KDI, proposed ‘cooperative plans to effectively incorporate the past experience of providing technological cooperation to countries that underwent regime change, into North Korea.‘ Kwon Yul, a director of the International Development Cooperation Center at the Institute for Foreign Economic Policy, gave a presentation on the ‘phased-in multilateral cooperation tasks for future development of North Korea and the role of IKCF.‘




□ Questions and answers were exchanged actively during the panel discussions in each session.




ㅇAt the discussions, panelists shared their views on the current status of the North Korean economy and ways to efficiently develop North Korea after COVID-19.



ㅇ As panelists, Kang Woo-chul, a senior researcher at Korea Eximbank, Lee Jong-woon, a professor at Hanshin University, Lim Jung-kwan, a senior researcher at the Northeast Asia Peace Economy Association, Moon Kyung-yeon, a professor at Chonbuk National University, and Choi Kyu-bin, a vice researcher at the Unification Institute participated in the discussions.


□ Meanwhile, prior to the conference, Korea Eximbank Chairman Bang Moon-kyu visited the Ministry of Unification on August 25 and delivered 100 million won in contributions to IKCF to Minister Lee In-young as part of the Bank‘s social contribution activities.




ㅇ Since the establishment of the fund in 1991, Korea Eximbank has been entrusted with managing the funds, and has contributed 170 million won to the fund five times since 2000.