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The First Ten years of Kim Jong-Il's Economic Policy

담당자 경영전략실(이신애)

등록일 2004.11.26

조회수 11160

The First Ten years of Kim Jong-Il's Economic Policy: Changes and Future Direction of North Korea's Economic Policy

Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Development of the North Korean Economy under Kim Jong-Il
1. Kim Il-Sung's Economic Legacy
2. The North Korean Economy under Kim Jong-Il
Ⅲ. Evaluation of the North Korea Economy under the Kim Jong-Il Regime and Future Prospects
1. Signs of Change
2. Future Prospects
Ⅳ. Conclusion

자료 : International Studies Review, Vol.5, No.2, Institute for International Trade and Cooperation, Ewha Womans University, October 2004

* 동 자료는 "김정일의 북한경제 10년: 무엇이 달라졌으며 어떻게 바뀔 것인가"(한국수출입은행-통일연구원 주회, 2004북한경제 심포지엄, 2004. 7. 7)의 영역원고입니다.