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Supporting Korea's Economic Growth Supporting Korea's Economic Growth

KEXIM Statistics

01. Contribution to Korean Economy

KRW 50 trillion Annual GDP created
by KEXIM’s financial support

Export Contribution
by industry
in value terms

Unit : Trillion won

2021 Export Contribution by industry in value terms
Industry 2021
Total 75.5
Shipbuilding 23.3
Machine equipment 17.8
Petrochemistry 6.9
Automobiles 5.7
IT manufacture 5.5
Steel·Iron 2.2
Others * 13.7

* Others include other manufacturing and service, fiber-clothing, and primary industries

inducement coefficient
by industry

2019 Value-added inducement coefficient by industry
Industry 2019
Average of all
Shipbuilding 0.66
Machine equipment 0.70
Petrochemistry 0.35
Automobiles 0.71
IT manufacture 0.62
Steel·Iron 0.49
Knowledge-based service 0.86
  • Export contribution by industry in value terms

    Value of KEXIM's export contribution to each industry

  • Value-added inducement coefficient by industry

    A multiplier computed from the added value created with input factors of production such as raw materials, labor, and capital for each industry (Source: The Bank of Korea)